How higher education in Italy works
Basic information for newcomers
Dear teenagers, dear parents,
The choice of high school is a difficult choice for everyone, Italian and foreign youngsters.
But it is even more difficult for you who come from foreign countries: it is difficult because you don’t know the Italian language very well, or perhaps not at all, but also because the Italian school system is very different from that in your country.
In Italy everyone must attend school for ten years, until 15 years of age. After junior high school, you must enrol at a high school or a technical institute or a professional training school. This obligation applies to all foreign children, whether or not they are regularly registered as residents in Italy, whether they have a stay permit or not.
If you are 14 years old and you have a diploma from an Italian junior high school or an equivalent qualification which shows you have attended school for 8 years:
- you can enrol at high school
If you are 14 or 15 years old but you do not have a diploma from a junior high school and if you have no certificate showing that you have attended school for 8 years:
- you must enrol at junior high school to obtain the junior high school diploma
If you are 15 years old and you have a diploma from an Italian junior high school or an equivalent qualification which shows that you have attended school for 8 years:
- you can enrol at high school, or
- you can enrol on an occupational training course
If you are 16 years old but you do not have a diploma from an Italian junior high school:
- if you have attended school in your country for at least 8 years and if you have a certificate testifying to the fact, you can enrol at high school, or
- you can attend a course at a C.T.P. (centro territoriale permanente= permanent territorial centre) to learn Italian and to obtain a junior high school diploma
- you can enrol on an occupational training course
REMEMBER: if you are 16 years old and you want to continue studying, you have the right to enrol at a high school, technical institute, professional institute or occupational training institute to obtain a diploma.
In Italy there several types of high schools and technical/professional institutes with many courses and study curricula.
All study courses last 5 years and conclude with a state examination. Students who pass the examination obtain a “diploma”. After the diploma you can start working or enrol at University.
Occupational training gives you a qualification after 3 years, completing the period of compulsory education.
The student obtains:
- a level II European qualification after the third year
- a professional technical diploma (level III European certification) after the fourth year
- the possibility of continuing for a fifth year to take the state examination which gives eligibility for admission to university
The school year
The school year lasts nine months. Lessons begin in the first half of September and end within the first ten days of June.
There are fixed holiday period:
- Christmas holidays
- Easter holidays
- National and religious
The school day
Obligatory lessons begin at 8 o’clock in the morning, and end at about 13.30. Some schools also have lessons in the afternoon. Every teaching period lasts 60 minutes.
Every class is composed of both boys and girls. All the subjects are compulsory except for the teaching of the Catholic religion, which is optional.
Some schools organise afternoon activities from which the students can choose, and extra coaching sessions.
Ultima revisione il 17-09-2024 da SILVIA BETTIN